All dogs used in breeding must be healthy both mentally and physically healthy.
All Breeders must be Aware of its responsibilities, and use common sense. A breeder Carrying a heavy responsibility both to the dogs used in breeding, the puppies they sell and to the families they sell the puppies.
All breeders should be subject to unannounced kennel visits. (This is the case if the breeder is breeding under DDH)
Breeders of Races, which can be hereditary loaded, should have studied their breeding dogs in order to reduce the risks of the spread of hereditary defects.
It is all Breeders responsibility to ensure that dogs used for breeding, is mentally and physically healthy, living up to breed standard, Meets At all times relevant breeding restrictions, that breeding partners compliment each other, are suitable for mating, pregnancy, birth and raise healthy puppies.
It is all Breeder obligation to follow its offspring in order to ensure that the dog is suitable for continual breeding.
All dogs who were born after 1 January 2005 must have achieved at least one 1st prize on a DDH exhibition to be included in breeding.
The race has the following breeding restrictions:
My. age of bitches 18 months / may not be used until there is a HD status.
My. age for males 16 months / may not be used until there is HD a status.
My. 1st Prize. gained after the dog is full 9 months
HD dog should be 12 months before the X-ray photo, results should be available before mating.
Status accepted:
A must only be mated with A and B B may only be mated with A and B Dogs with C, D and E status may not participate in breeding.
Variant requirements: white shepherd, short hair and long hair must be mated together and stud book registrated as the variant the puppy is.
New registration: Can be registered at new after the exhibition of
Youth class. And can only happen once.